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User Guide


The forwardproxy directive enables Caddy to act as a forward proxy, with support for HTTP/2.0 and HTTP/1.1 requests. HTTP/2.0 will usually improve performance due to multiplexing. Forward proxy plugin includes common features like Access Control Lists and authentication, as well as some unique features to assist with security and privacy. Default configuration of forward proxy is compliant with existing HTTP standards, but some features force plugin to exhibit non-standard but non-breaking behavior to preserve privacy. Probing resistance—one of the signature features of this plugin—attempts to hide the fact that your web server is also a forward proxy, helping the proxy to stay under the radar.

Full documentation


Default Forward Proxy

Spins up default unauthenticated forwardproxy. Use with care, since other people might start (ab-)using your proxy.

Authenticated Forward Proxy
forwardproxy { basicauth caddyuser1 0NtCL2JPJBgPPMmlPcJ basicauth caddyuser2 秘密 }

Spins up authenticated forwardproxy.

Probe Resistant Forward Proxy
forwardproxy { basicauth caddyuser1 0NtCL2JPJBgPPMmlPcJ probe_resistance }

Enable (experimental) probe resistance, which attempts to hide the fact that the site is a forwardproxy. Proxy will no longer respond with "407 Proxy Authentication Required" if credentials are incorrect or absent, and will attempt to mimic generic forwardproxy-less Caddy server in other regards. Optionally, you can specify hiddenlink, which, when visited, will prompt 407 response. Authentication is required.

Generate and serve PAC file from memory
forwardproxy { serve_pac proxyautoconfig.pac }

Generate in memory and serve Proxy Auto-Config(see file on given path. If no path is provided, PAC file will be served at /proxy.pac

Hide user IP address from visited websites
forwardproxy { hide_ip }

Forward proxy will stop adding user's IP to "Forwarded:" header.

Probe resistant Reverse Proxy
forwardproxy { basicauth user1 0NtCL2JPJBgPPMmlPcJ probe_resistance upstream https://user:[email protected] }

upstream directive creates a reverse proxy(which simply relays all requests to given upstream without rewriting them), and it was implemented in forwardproxy with a single purpose: to allow users to take advantage of probing resistance. forwardproxy's Reverse Proxy implementation is simplistic, and if you need a powerful reverse proxy, but do not need proving resistance, use Caddy's standard proxy directive.

Related Links

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Plugin Help

Get help from the maintainers of the http.forwardproxy plugin:

Plugin Website

Visit http.forwardproxy's website for more information:

Plugin Author: Sergey Frolov
Last Updated: 24 Aug 2019, 4:13 AM
This plugin is independent of the Caddy project and is not endorsed or maintained by Caddy developers. Use at your own risk. Do not file issues for this plugin on Caddy's bug tracker.